Yahoo offers both menu-based and keywords-based searches. # Net Search offers both keywords-based (using the Infoseek engine) and menu-based searches. # Lycos offers menu-based and keywords-based searches.# WebCrawler is a keywords-based search engine.# Open Text is a keywords-based search engine, which offers three level of searches: a simple text search, a power search and a weighted search.# Infoseek is a keywords-based search engine that offers an indexed list of "cool" sites.# Yanoff is a menu-based search engine with an index of files, arranged alphabetically by category.# Silverplatter is a menu-based search engine with an index of files, arranged both alphabetically and by category.# GNN is a menu-based search engine with an index of files, arranged alphabetically by category.# Veronica searches Gopher servers for all types of files. # Jughead conducts a very in-depth search of the Gopher server it's located in.# Archie searches for FTP files on a certain server by their file name.# Four11 is an E-Mail-address search engine, organized as a white pages directory. # LookUP is an E-Mail-address search engine, organized as a white pages directory.# Netfind is an E-Mail-address search engine which searches Gopher servers and other servers attached to them.# DejaNews is a newsgroups search engine that conducts searches within Usenet.# The Comprehensive list of sites conducts searches according to server name. # SavvySearch is a meta-search engine, which performs your search using a group of search engines simultaneously.